
Southwark Park Association is a membership organisation and is open to people over the age of 18, regardless of where they live, gender, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Currently there is no membership fee. Membership is by completion of an application form, which requires the approval of the Southwark Park Association 1869 Management Committee. All registered members are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, General and Special General meetings.

Join us

We believe that the more members we have, the more our voice is heard.  By joining our friendly group of members you will be helping to promote Southwark Park and King’s Stairs Gardens, and will make a real difference to the parks and the community. If you are interested in being a member please contact us on

Support Us

We recognise that membership is not for everybody. Busy lives may not allow regular involvement. Being kept updated on the work of our group may be enough. We therefore encourage people to register with us as supporters, again with no fee. All registered supporters will receive regular updates and are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting, General and Special General meetings, but will not be allowed to vote. If you are interested in being a supporter please contact us on